Were you injured in an accident and believe someone else is at fault? If so, it’s possible to take legal action and obtain a settlement for your losses. A personal injury lawyer can handle the legalities of your case while you focus on healing.
Day-to-day life in Kenner, Louisiana might not seem very exciting. As you commute to work in New Orleans, run errands, and pick up your children from school, life can start to feel predictable. It isn’t until a traumatic accident occurs, however, that life as you know it can suddenly change.
When you’re injured unexpectedly, the physical and emotional shock can take weeks to subside. As soon as you come to terms with what’s happened, you may get hit with the financial burden of your situation. If someone else caused your personal injury accident, you should take legal action against them. A Kenner personal injury lawyer from Smiley Injury Law, LLC can help you file a claim.
Accidents often occur because of negligence. Car accidents, for example, can happen when drivers are texting behind the wheel, speeding, or driving under the influence. Many drivers don’t pay attention to their surroundings and aren’t aware of how their actions can affect others.
Slip-and-fall accidents can occur if property owners don’t properly maintain their businesses. If spilled liquids are left on the floor or loose floorboards aren’t repaired, guests can trip and suffer spinal damage or even brain injuries. Work-related accidents, product defect accidents, dog bites, and construction accidents may also occur in Kenner and lead to severe or life-altering injuries.
You can determine who’s at fault for your accident by gathering evidence, such as the police report, photographs, video footage, and witness statements. This evidence can show who may have been negligent in causing your accident. For example, traffic camera footage may show a vehicle driver texting behind the wheel when they rear-ended your vehicle.
You should also provide medical records as evidence in your case to connect your injuries to the negligent party’s actions. Your personal injury attorney in Kenner can negotiate on your behalf in court.
After proving fault in your Kenner personal injury claim, you can account for your losses and include them in demand letter. You’ve likely suffered both financially and non-financially from your accident, and you can recover compensation for all the ways the accident has affected your life.
Your financial losses may include present and future medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. Your non-financial losses may include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and scarring and disfigurement.
Speaking to an experienced personal injury lawyer can be the key to maximizing your claim. If you’re ready to discuss your case with a Kenner personal injury lawyer from Smiley Injury Law, LLC, fill out our contact form or call 504-894-9653.
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