Overview of Apps for Parents to Track Teen Drivers

Seth Smiley here of the Smiley Law Firm. Today in Parents of Teen Drivers, we are discussing a topic that I have long wondered about – is there a leader in the app space that keeps teen drivers safe behind the wheel?
The short answer is… not really, at least that I could find. I started researching and assumed that I would be overwhelmed by different vendors in this space. It simply wasn’t the case that there are a lot of options out there for apps to keep teens safe behind the wheel.
There were a couple of leaders, and overall around eight to ten options. Some of the bigger ones, with good options, were from the phone companies. Verizon has one called Hum. Verizon also has an app. I found a few more in the iTunes store which didn’t have accompanying websites, so I am unsure of the features included. Autobrain seems to be one of the best and has a lot of features to keep your family safe.
I was also impressed by MamaBear as it included family news, social monitoring, location sharing, and various things like that.I have discussed these apps with some parents, and they are happy that they receive updates when their kid is in the car, when speeding occurs, etc. Some of these can be very helpful.
Other options that seemed impressive were TrueMotion and Bouncie, also BARK which has comprehensive features, so there are a bunch of different choices out there. If you are using these apps effectively, please share your experiences below. I definitely want to dive into these apps further so we can make recommendations. Keeping your kids safe online and behind the wheel is essential, so let me know your thoughts.
Thank you.
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